CRAIC Technologies Training Classes

Get Training in using and supporting microspectrometers and microscopes
Training is available for any CRAIC Technologies instrument.
Training includes introduction to physics behind the instruments, usage of the instruments, and applications of techniques. Training can also include one-on-one instruction from the instructor. Training is generally conducted on-site with a maximum of five people per class. Students are certified as Qualified Instrument Users at the end of individual training sessions.
Experts in the Field
- Training is conducted by a certified expert in the field of microspectroscopy. We strongly believe that training should only be done by the best teachers.
- Our training is conducted by web video conferencing. Training can thus be for large groups or on your own instrument. This enables you to use your own samples under the conditions that you normally work.
New Personnel Training
- This class is designed to be conducted at your site with your instrument. The instructor will introduce microscope spectrophotometer basic spectroscopy theory, operating procedures and data analysis procedures. This course is also great as a refresher training.
Advanced Training
- An instructor will teach students advanced microspectroscopic techniques. The instructor is qualified to answer the questions that are most relevant to your lab and your microscope spectrometer.
Schedule CRAIC Training Today!
- Don't miss an opportunity to keep your users up-to-date on applications, maintenance and techniques for use of these instruments. Make sure your users have valid training certification. Basic and advanced training will help new users get up and running on their microspectrophotometer. Experienced users can refresh their training and learn the latest techniques.
- In addition to personalized classes, group classes are also held.
Contact Us For Pricing:
Phone or Fax:
Telephone: +001-310-573-8180
Fax: +001-310-573-8182