What is Microcolorimetry?
Figure 1: Microspectrometers are used to test the color of each pixel of flat panel displays
Figure 2: Color coordinates can be calculated from these spectra.
Learn more about Microcolorimetry
Microcolorimetry is measuring the color of microscopic features using color spaces.
Microcolorimetry is used to quantify and describe human color perception of microscopic samples or microscopic sample areas. Spectra are acquired and color coordinates are calculated from the spectral data.
One application for microcolorimetry is in the color comparison of individual pixels of today's high resolution flat panel displays. Microspectrometers are able to gather microcolorimetric data from single pixels and to map the microcolorimetric variation across displays. This leads to a new level of color precision for improved displays.
The way a microspectrometer works is that spectrophotometer entrance aperture is placed over the pixel or pixels in questions. The black square in Figure 1 is an example. The spectra is then acquired and will look something like of the spectra in Figure 2. Using the CRAIC ColorPro™ software, microcolorimetric data is generated. This can be compared with measurements of other pixels to show that the color of each sampled area is within the manufacturing parameters.
Learn more about microcolorimetry below:
What is a Microspectrometer?
Science of Microspectrometers
CRAIC ColorPro™ Software