Microdisplay Inspection





Typical test spectra from a microdisplay



Microdisplay Inspection: Color, relative intensity, spectroscopy and film thickness of pixels and light sources.

Microdisplays consist of a series of colored lighted areas arranged in a pattern and can only be readily viewed with magnifying optics.  They are used as high resolution displays for everything from mobile phones to video display headgear to MP3 players.  There are many different designs but their small scale causes many quality control challenges. 

Due to the nature of microdisplays, they are manufactured with hundreds of rows of microscopic "pixels" on a surface.  These pixels can be smaller than 10 microns across.  Quality control of both the components and completed microdisplays is done by optical microspectroscopy.  Microspectrometers, such as those made by CRAIC Technologies, are used to measure the color and the intensity of the output from individual pixels and from groups of pixels.  In fact, CRAIC microspectrometers can be used to map the color and intensity outputs of individual pixels in addition to the entire microdisplay.  This is important as manufacturers of microdisplays need to make sure that all the different types of pixels are the same color and brightness.  A microspectrophotometer does this quickly and easily. 

To learn more about microdisplay testing:

What is a Microspectrophotometer?

Science of Microspectrophotometers

Colorimetry of Pixels and Displays
Relative Intensity Measurements
508 PV™ Spectrophotometers for Microscopes and Probe Stations


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