Get analysis of samples using variable-temperature microscopy and microspectroscopy

Microspectrophotometer with Thermal Stage

Precision temperature and environment control

The CRAIC Technologies Thermal Stage Package is designed for the analysis of samples using variable-temperature microscopy, imaging and microspectroscopy from the deep UV to the near IR.


Applications include materials science research, pharmaceutical and agriculture analysis, and geological and forensic studies. 

The Thermal Stage package from consists of a thermal block configured for transmission and reflectance illumination.  Able to operate in the ultraviolet, visible and near infrared regions, sample temperatures can range from -196 up to 600°C.  The unit can offer both fast heating and cooling of the sample with temperature stability on the order of <0.01°C.  You are also able to maneuver the sample in the X, Y and Z directions for optimal position while acquiring both images and spectra.

Computerized temperature control means that temperature variations can be programmed for the course of the experiment.  This fine level of control means that both large and small variations in temperature can be achieved quickly and easily. 

The Thermal Stage package from CRAIC Technologies is your solution for both heating and cooling your samples.

CRAIC Thermal Stage Package

Perfect Vision for Science™

The lit microscope base and the lit octagonal optical head are trademarks of CRAIC Technologies, Inc. CRAIC Technologies, 2030PV™, FLEX™, 508PV™, Apollo™, GeoImage™, rIQ™, Lambdafire™, Lightblades™ and "Perfect Vision for Science" are all trademarks of CRAIC Technologies, Inc. Instrument features offered depend upon instrument configuration. Features listed here may not be present in some configurations.

*Features and specifications depend upon instrument configuration. Specifications subject to change without notice.

UV-visible-NIR microscopes, UV-visible-NIR microspectrometers and Raman microspectrometers are general purpose laboratory instruments. They have not been cleared or approved by the European IVD Directive, the United States Food and Drug Administration or any other agency for diagnostic, clinical or other medical use.

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Specializing in UV-visible-NIR & Raman micro-analysis

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